The Commons

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newBookmarkLockedFalling [Ezano & Misty] and that would change soon.
Enza 4 180 by Enza
Feb 17, 2008 20:08:06 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling .:A little bit of Uncommon in the Commons:.
Kisea♥ 0 134 by Kisea♥
Feb 17, 2008 15:31:11 GMT -5
newBookmarkLockedFalling Once a skit
Skit 13 189 by Sarah
Feb 16, 2008 11:50:31 GMT -5


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The Commons
Dusty and dry, this place resembles a small canyon. A small lake is shadowed in the small clump of woods, clear and full of fish. There are large and small rocks scattered about, clumsy footing if you're not careful. Force breeding happens here often. You can smell the fear in the air, it's almost choking. Mares frequently flee here for an escape from their troubled herd life. Some stallions come here for a little fun. For some this place is a sanctuary, for others it's a playground. Step lightly, you don't know what could be lurking in the shadows.
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