- This RPG is rated PG-14
- Pure = good, Tainted = evil
- No godmoding/power playing
- You can have as many characters as you'd like, as long as they all stay active.
- Your horse must be Pure or Tainted
- Swearing is allowed, but don't make it every other word
- Please do not put huge pictures in your signatures. If you have a picture for a character use it in your posts. You may have small images (400x200) or text in your signature.
- There may be graphic breeding
- This is for intermediate-advanced RPers
- Posts must be a minimum of
100 words. Be creative. If you continue to post a few sentences you will be warned.
- 4 warnings and you're banned for 3 days.
- 4 more warnings and you're banned for a week
- 4
more warnings and you're banned permanently
- If you have mares and land and you're banned anyone is allowed to challenge for them or steal the mares.
- If you were warned once but go two weeks without any trouble I will drop the warning
- Use proper grammar and a wide vocabulary. Use
www.dictionary.com if you're not sure how to spell something. They also have a thesaurus if you cannot think of words.
- Be respectful to all players, even if your character hates their character
- Be creative! I cannot stress this more.